Vice President Timothy Fox in The Wall Street Journal
/On August 16, Vice President Timothy Fox was quoted by The Wall Street Journal in an article on utilities and their efforts to secure federal tax credits for wind farms.
On August 16, Vice President Timothy Fox was quoted by The Wall Street Journal in an article on utilities and their efforts to secure federal tax credits for wind farms.
On July 20, Vice President Neelesh Nerurkar co-authered a report with Columbia University’s Center for Global Policy and the think tank Resources for the Future, "Green Stimulus for Oil and Gas Workers: Considering a Major Federal Effort to Plug Orphaned and Abandoned Wells."
On June 8, Managing Director Kevin Book appeared on CSIS' podcast series Energy 360. The episode, "How 2020 is Changing Energy," also features Sarah Ladislaw (CSIS) and Liam Denning (Bloomberg).
On May 1, Managing Director Kevin Book appeared on CNBC to discuss what reopening the US economy could mean for oil prices.
On April 22, Managing Director Christi Tezak was quoted in an E&E News article on a Keystone XL pipeline ruling in Montana. Christi is also quoted on the readthrough for other pipeline projects, inlcuding Mountain Valley Pipeline.
On April 14, Managing Director Kevin Book was quoted in an Associated Press article on the OPEC+ deal and American intervention.