Vice President Neelesh Nerurkar In S&P Global Platts
/On April 17, Vice President Neelesh Nerurkar was quoted by S&P Global Platts in an article about small refiners hardship exemptions from biofuels requirements.
On April 17, Vice President Neelesh Nerurkar was quoted by S&P Global Platts in an article about small refiners hardship exemptions from biofuels requirements.
On April 4, Vice President Neelesh Nerurkar was quoted by Axios in an article about small refiners hardship exemptions from biofuels requirements.
On March 19, Managing Director Kevin Book was quoted in E&E News in an article discussing the Trump administration's steel and aluminum tariffs.
On March 13, Vice President Timothy Fox was quoted in an article in Utility Dive discussing the legal appeal of New York’s nuclear subsidy program.
The article can be accessed at this link
On March 7, Vice President Neelesh Nerurkar was quoted by Platts in an article on White House talks on the RFS.
On February 14, Managing Director Kevin Book was quoted in an article in E&E News regarding BLM rule revisions on methane.